How To Build A Gun Safe Room?

Gun Conceal
2 min readFeb 19, 2021


A vault or a safe gun room is a highly secured room used to store valuable things. As with panic and safe rooms, vault rooms need to be as secure as possible. Therefore, with these rooms, you want to prevent entry for as long time as possible.

If you are planning to build a vault room as part of the house, it is essential to keep the following things in mind:

1- Doors For The Room

The doors of this room will be locked from outside instead of safe room doors that will be locked from inside. Therefore, the essential feature to choose is the locking mechanism. Keypad locks, biometric locks, and combination of both of them guarantee high security.

2- The Walls Of The Room

While building a room, you might have to plan the vault room location to reduce weight and maximize natural strengthening on the structure of the house. Compared to the safe rooms that can be quickly and easily accessed during an emergency, the type of gun safe rooms can be built away from living spaces and bedroom.

3- Ventilation Of The Closed Room

This comes as the secondary thing. Since no person will be staying in there, ventilation will only function to ensure your possession’s right environment.

Types Of A Gun Safe Or Vault Rooms

Just like there’s no one fit size for all these rooms, there’s no ideal type of room. Your interests, needs, and all you want in it, play an essential role in building a room. Plan for the room according to your ability before proceeding.

You might consider making in the basement, which is the best idea. You would only have to build a door frame and some walls. If you are considering converting a room, it is also the popular choice. Something can be made under the stairs. Therefore, the type of gun safe rooms entirely depends on your needs.

Now that you are prepared to build your space, start working. If you are still confused about the storage, can help you with the best idea. Gun conceal would let you know how you can keep your valuables and guns safer. You can have genuine peace of mind at home.

